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Army NET abbreviation meaning defined here. What does NET stand for in Army? Get the top NET abbreviation related to Army.

Netto is a Danish discount supermarket operating in several European countries. Netto is owned by Dansk Supermarked Group, which in turn is partly owned by A.P. Møller-Mærsk Group. Netto also operates an express version of the store, known as Døgn Netto. Døgn stores offer the same service as regular Netto stores, with longer opening hours British English: net ADJECTIVE / nɛt /. A net amount is one which remains when everything that should be subtracted from it has been subtracted.a rise in sales and net profit.

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Netto (store), an international, Denmark-based supermarket chain with stores in Germany, Poland, Sweden who used the tag line "Scandinavian for value". It is part of Dansk Supermarked A/S Net-net definition: (of an outcome ) with no possibility of further revision | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Net-net definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! From Italian netto. Adjective . netto (singular and plural netto) Adverb .

Need the translation of "Netto" in English but even don't know the meaning? netto translated to English. TRANSLATION. Afrikaans. netto. English. net. NETTO  

Copyright  (C) Abrechnung der Brutto/Netto-Bezüge für September 2017 : Settlement of means full contribute. (C) Nettoverdienst : net salary, payment after tax. 6.

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Net netto meaning

See … Net profit (aka top line, net income, or net earnings) is a measure of the profitability of a venture after accounting for all costs. It is the actual profit, and includes the operating expenses that are excluded from gross profit.

Nettoausweises werden die versicherungstechnischen Positionen vor bzw. nach Abzug des Anteils ausgewiesen, der auf das in Rückdeckung gegebene Geschäft entfällt. nett. ( nɛt) adj, n, vb. (Accounting & Book-keeping) a variant spelling of net 2. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014.
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English. net. NETTO   Net income — also referred to as net profit, net earnings or the bottom line — is the amount an individual earns after subtracting taxes and other deductions from   Understand how gross income and net income are defined in order to understand their key differences.

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employee in Poland. The easy conversion between brutto↔netto (tax↔no tax earnings). PLN gross. After deducting taxes and other levies you take home 2 202.72 PLN net. What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#. Year of work

netto. A shop where the hobo's go.

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Minimised short-term external financing: Your available liquidity is fully accessible meaning you can improve net interest and reduce the need for external 

netto. English Translation. net. More meanings for netto. net noun.